Experimental Event in Pori, Finland

Hi everyone! Does anyone want to come to the west coast of Finland and wander around petrol stations for a few hours, picking up various random objects on the way, and then building narratives and histories around them?
I totally copped out on a title, but Yet -unnamed explorations is Wednesday the 23rd of October, and part of the fascianting Experimental Event ...
Fight the cold : Ptarmigan and related activities, February 2012
It's really, really cold here right now. Here being Tallinn, Estonia, where as I write it's currently -22 C (-7.6 F) and it "feels like" -33 C (-27.4 F) with the wind chill. I'm sitting here in Slothrop's trying to stay alive, for the feeble electric heating can't keep up with the brutality of an Estonian winter. Thank you, medieval architecture!
But that's...
Slothrop's, Tallinn, Estonia
If you're in Tallinn, please stop by Slothrop's on Müürivahe 19. You'll find a large selection of secondhand books in English - literature, history, art, politics, essays, criticism -- the works. Slothrop's is open Tuesday through Saturday from 12 to 18, Eastern European Time. Soon we'll hopefully have a (carefully-curated) selection of...
Recent things.
- I've been based in or around Tallinn for one year now. Ptarmigan I can say has been going well; it's been an amazing thing and it's more momentum than inertia here. We've had too much going on to fully talk about here, as we've had something like 80 events since April, but there's lots in the works for 2012,...
Oakwhistle live show in Tallinn: 17. september 2011

Ptarmigan essay in 'ak28 revisited and three parallel visions'

I've entered the world of 'published author' with my essay 'Everything is Tentative and Possible', which describes the experience of co-founding Ptarmigan in Helsinki from 2009 until the opening of the Tallinn space. It's published by the lovely Mount Analogue press/curatorial platform in Stockholm, and is part of a book that deals with self-organised, non-profit art initiatives with...
Miscellaneous expertise @ MoKS AVAMAA 2010

Next month I will be coordinating a workshop entitled Miscellaneous expertise: performance, unlearning stories and public speech at the MoKS Kunsti ja Sotsiaalpraktika Keskus AVAMAA sympsium in Mooste, Estonia. This is a collaboration with my good friend Giles Bailey, and the workshop will take place over five days with the dissemination on the sixth.
We proposed Miscellaneous...
Ptarmigan artist-in-residency programme
In true Ptarmigan fashion, we are interested in people who do similar things to what we do. So while we are looking for artists and cultural...
The 15,000 Day Boat Trip: now available!

This is an LP that I recorded during my final year in Glasgow, in 2007. It's one long piece split over two sides , and I have been describing it to people as "instrumental music". To be a bit more detailed, Boat Trip contains similar concrète assemblages to what we did in Lied Music, but...
15,000 Day Boat Trip Band video clip
Upcoming performances this month in Helsinki
First, Friday 6 November at Kokoteatteri (Krunnunhaka), as part of Helsinki Meeting Point. I will be playing esraj along with James Andean (piano and electronics) and three dancers (Riikka Theresa Innanen, Jaakko Simola, and Virva Talonen). More information here.
On Saturday 21 November I will be performing as "The 15,000 Day Boat...
'Last Night on Earth' tape

I appear on the Last Night on Earth side playing esraj, along with Jani Hirvonen, Mari Imppola and Jari Koho. This was recorded ages ago after I just moved to Finland and was probably the first time I had played with anyone in months. I haven't heard the recording in awhile but it is available for...
New code on
Bat Tarbet 'tethered to battery' live video excerpt
Here's the video from the most recent Bat Tarbet performance, last Sunday at Koko-Teatteri in Helsinki. Thanks to Juho Jouhtimäki for shooting and sharing this.
Bat Tarbet 'noses' live video excerpt
Bat Tarbet "noses" from last week. We'll be performing again at Kokoteattri in Kruunuhaka, Helsinki on the 15th of March with the Shitty Listeners.