About Temporary (donate, please!)

Since September of last year, my day-to-day attention has been focused on Temporary, which we call a 'sandbox for practice-based research into experimental interactive formats’ in Helsinki.
I’m one of the initial organisers of the project, which we started to collect different approaches to culture production, specifically focusing on participatory, trans-disciplinary events....
SI audio podcast #2: Girilal Baars
My pal Girilal stopped by Helsinki last month and we recorded this conversation, which touched on science fiction, improvisation, being an audience member, and lots more. This is also an attempt to keep the SI podcast feed alive with some occasional content, as enough interesting people pass through my life that I should try to share their ideas with a larger audience.
Detailed notes will...
Temporary/Biathlon presentation in Riga 27.7.2016
My main project this year has been working with my colleague Agnieszka Pokrywka on the creation of a new toolkit for enabling participatory, trans-disciplinary culture environments. The toolkit, called Biathlon, will be tested out in a physical project space called Temporary, which we will open in Helsinki in September. Agnieszka and I have been supported throughout the year by the Kone...
Serious Introspection series (?) finale

For the last episode of Serious Introspection, filmed on 13 April 2016, we did a short set as the opening act of the 2016 Lal Lal Lal festival. But first, we brought Marianna Keisalo (last seen in S02E01 back on stage to catch-up on her life as the hardest working standup comedienne/anthropologist in Helsinki. Marijn aka Red Brut was up next, and then we welcomed the Mental...
Serious Introspection season 2 episode 7

It was great to have Tuukka Asplund fill in as Hype Man for the last two episodes of Serious Introspection's second season. In episode 7, we first welcomed the inimitable Olaf Möller to discuss his approach to teaching cinema, Finnish cinema, and some childhood memories. Then we welcomed the equally inimatble Mari Keski-Korsu to talk a bit about her work, the forthcoming 2016...
SI at IHME episodes 5 and 6
And finally, the last two episodes of Serious Introspection from April's IHME Päivät festival in Helsinki. These shows were both recorded on 3 April and we moved the outdoor concept indoors due to bad weather. The first show is a roundtable discussion with a handful of young artists who were part of the Marathon event that evening: Nestori Syrjälä, Pekka and...