SI at IHME episodes 3 and 4
The second day of IHME Päivät, 2 April 2016, found us again hosting two episodes of Serious Introspection. The first of the day found busker Stephen Paul Taylor and festival keynote speaker Jan Verwoert meeting for a lively outdoor interview. For the second interview, we moved inside due to weather and spoke with Päivi Raivio and Robin Ellis, leaders of the poster sceening...
SI at IHME episodes 1 and 2
Here are the first two shows from the IHME Päivät festival, which took place in early April 2016 in Helsinki. We set up these shows outside, on the 'stage' next to Vanha where the festival was taking place, and throughout the weekend interviewed a variety of festival participants hoping to promote it to the general public. On Friday, the first show was with Pontus...
Serious Introspection season 2 episode 6

Serious Introspection actually ended awhile ago, but due to general life commitments I've been way behind on getting the videos edited and posted. So with many apologies, here is the belated episode 6 of season two, which actually took place way back in March. I had the flu and almost canceled the show, but instead I turned up and let Justin take charge, and this turned out to be...
SI at IHME Päivät 2016

Posting this a bit late, but we are hosting Serious Introspection shows as part of the 2016 IHME Päivät festival, in Vanha Ylioppilastalo (Mannerheimintie 3). Yesterday we did our first two shows and we follow with two today and two tomorrow. These shows are taking place on the 'stage' outside, in the Kaivopiha area immediately to the left of Vanha (or out the back...
Serious Introspection season 2 episode 5

We've been a bit behind schedule on editing videos, but here is the video from episode 5, which took place on 23 March 2016. Our guests were 110% (Lachlan and Beth), Marek Pluciennik, and the mysterious Mirva. Agnieszka also joined to talk about our trip to Prague. We had some live performance art, and we talked about film and depression too. Ernest sent in a travel report from Madrid,...
Serious Introspection season 2 episode 4

Serious Introspection season 2, episode 4 took place on Wednesday, 16 March 2016 at Ihana Baari in Helsinki and featured Tuukka Asplund and Kira O'Reilly as guests. We talked about life in Helsinki, ecology and trans-disciplinary approaches to performance, British complaint culture, and the value of making stuff or not. Also, we sang some karaoke, went to Estonia, tried to call Ernest,...