Serious Introspection season 2 episode 6
Serious Introspection actually ended awhile ago, but due to general life commitments I've been way behind on getting the videos edited and posted. So with many apologies, here is the belated episode 6 of season two, which actually took place way back in March. I had the flu and almost canceled the show, but instead I turned up and let Justin take charge, and this turned out to be either the best or worst episode ever depending on your taste. My old friend Hanna Tuulikki, from the UK, was in town to talk about her residency at Saari, and Kimmo Modig came up to help carry the show since I was pretty much delirious.
Check out iTunes feed for the rest of the shows; we will post this as well as the six mini-shows from April's IHME Päivät festival and the two final ones with Tuukka as hype man - just as soon as I finish editing them!