That was the week that was, the other week, that is
I'm still dazed from all of the awesomeness last week, beginning out of the La-Bas 'Concept of Performance' biennale in Helsinki, which ran from 25-29 April. I already posted about the DIS/Orientations workshop I co-led on Sunday, which was really the beginning of an unforgettable week - amazing people, brilliant performances, and a real feeling like we were trying some new ideas...
DIS/Orientations workshop in Helsinki

Yesterday, John Grzinich, Sari TM Kivinen and myself led a workshop called DIS/Orientations on Harakka Island, Helsinki. This was part of the La-Bas 'Concept of Performance' Biennale, a 5-day investigation of performance and sound art. This was our first shot at trying something extremely experimental and improvisational on the theme of orientation and disorientation. For a few hours,...
Ptarmigan at Supermarket 2012
Last month, Ptarmigan went to Supermarket, the artist-run art fair in Stockholm. Thanks to the KulturKontakt Nord Mobility Programme for enabling this to happen - Sari Kivinen, Andra Aaloe, Lewis McGuffie and myself all attended, which was 4/5 of the Ptarmigan staffers and in a way, our first collective project as collaborating artists (outside of the regular administration of Ptarmigan).
Intro to Pterodactyl setlist

Intro to Pterodactyl (which was myself + Caleb Waldorf ALWAYS, and then usually with Rob Dingman and sometimes Pat Crawford) only actually performed once, on December 27, 2003, at the Horrible Room in Lexington, KY. Here was our "setlist", which was really a more formal set of instructions + lyrics as we attempted to reconstruct some of the music we recorded on our...
Miscellaneous expertise @ MoKS AVAMAA 2010

Next month I will be coordinating a workshop entitled Miscellaneous expertise: performance, unlearning stories and public speech at the MoKS Kunsti ja Sotsiaalpraktika Keskus AVAMAA sympsium in Mooste, Estonia. This is a collaboration with my good friend Giles Bailey, and the workshop will take place over five days with the dissemination on the sixth.
We proposed Miscellaneous...
15,000 Day Boat Trip Band video clip
Upcoming performances this month in Helsinki
First, Friday 6 November at Kokoteatteri (Krunnunhaka), as part of Helsinki Meeting Point. I will be playing esraj along with James Andean (piano and electronics) and three dancers (Riikka Theresa Innanen, Jaakko Simola, and Virva Talonen). More information here.
On Saturday 21 November I will be performing as "The 15,000 Day Boat...
Musings on Mutopia: a week of collaboration in rural Estonia
I spent the last 10 days in Estonia, mostly at the MoKS AVAMAA 2009 ArtSymposium. While the symposium offered traditional workshops (on printmaking and sound electronics), I participated in Mutopia 3, an exploration of collaborative creative practices that is quite difficult to describe.
Led by MoKS coordinator John Grzinich, the name is intended to combine the idea of Utopia with the...
Bat Tarbet 'tethered to battery' live video excerpt
Here's the video from the most recent Bat Tarbet performance, last Sunday at Koko-Teatteri in Helsinki. Thanks to Juho Jouhtimäki for shooting and sharing this.
Bat Tarbet 'noses' live video excerpt
Bat Tarbet "noses" from last week. We'll be performing again at Kokoteattri in Kruunuhaka, Helsinki on the 15th of March with the Shitty Listeners.