
'Poetry is a game of loser-take-all' : On Pierrot le fou

20 January 2012
Pierrot le fou is being screened at Orion (National Audiovisual Archive of Finland), this Wednesday, at 7 PM, and I THINK Anna Karina is going to be there in person.


Of course Im basing this on something a friend mentioned a few weeks ago - he was getting up early to stand in a queue to get tickets.  And my initial reaction, of course, was Oh, shes still alive?


I should have followed him and...
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J. G. Ballard is dead.

20 January 2012
248129627_2c3b9c3971Id never say that J.G. Ballard was one of my favorite writers and I dont think you could get me to defend his prose style under any circumstances.  But his influence on art, literature and film (which have in turn influenced me) is incalculable.  Theres been a deluge of tributes, blog posts, and other articles since his passing last week and I dont really have anything to share myself...
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The Most Amazing Musician in All History!

20 January 2012
The most amazing musician in all history?  Really, Ripley, this might be pushing my ability to Believe - I mean, havent you ever checked out JACO?

The quest to innovate on an instrument can lead the journeyman improviser into strange realms.  Some great names (in my opinion) have written books on their art - Derek Bailey, Eddie Prévost - and these masters are certainly known for...
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Icewhistle travel report: Athens

20 January 2012
True travel - not for work, not to play a show, not to visit family  - feels slightly strange to me. 
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Still streets

20 January 2012
Ive been enjoying the Felt albums that were recently posted on Map Ref 41 93W, and during some web-based procrastination I read that Lawrence named the band after the word specifically as it is emoted by Tom Verlaine in Venus.  Television stirs in me a whirlwind of adolescent feelings, managing to catapult me back to the late 90s every time I listen to them.  Venus in particular...
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The Human Garden

20 January 2012
The Human Garden
The technophilic drive towards man-machine synthesis has a counterpoint - the merging of human and plant.  It is the hippie alternative to the Terminator-dream, neither accident nor crime against nature.

The Human Garden is portrayed above by Ripley, as usual without citations. and the name Ramdas Bodhano is absent from the reach of Google.  We can only speculate as to what motivated...
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